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Neck and Shoulder Pain

Do you have headaches that prevent you from doing your job or force you to take unwanted sick days? Are you limited by how much you can do around the house because of your neck symptoms? Do your symptoms keep you from enjoying a full night’s rest? Are you unable to lift relatively light items over your head? 

You aren’t alone.  

It’s estimated that between 40-80% of people deal with tension-related headaches, and 30-50% of people experience neck pain.

Signs and Symptoms of Neck Pain

  • Inability to bend or rotate the neck
  • Difficulty looking up
  • Difficulty looking over the shoulder
  • Headaches but not medically diagnosed migraines
  • Pain in the neck, upper back, shoulders, arms, or hands
  • Radiating shoulder and arm pain
  • Difficulty raising or using your shoulder(s)
  • Inability to stand straight or sit up straight
  • Neck stiffness
  • Jaw pain
  • Pain and stiffness that radiates down the spine towards the mid back
  • Shoulder blade pain and stiffness
  • Whiplash injury

If any of these symptoms are preventing you from enjoying a full night’s rest or working the way you want to, we can help. Our staff is trained with gentle and highly effective treatment strategies that will quickly return you to living your best life. 

If you’re ready to take control of your life and regain the function and mobility you used to have, book your appointment today.

How Is Neck Pain Diagnosed?

At iAM Physical Therapy, we will conduct a thorough examination that includes a review of your medical history. Together, we’ll talk through questions like:

  • How and when did the pain start?
  • What type of discomfort do you feel? 
  • Where do you feel it?
  • At what time of day is the pain most intense?
  • What can’t you do right now in your daily life due to the pain?

Your physical therapist will then perform physical tests to identify or rule out problems like:

Loss of Reflexes

Difficulty Moving or Walking

Muscle Weakness

Muscle Tightness

Poor Posture

Joint Stiffness

If we do find any of the problems above, you may begin physical therapy treatment right away to help get you on the road to recovery and back to your normal activities.

How Does Physical Therapy Relieve Neck Pain?

Physical therapy can help you return to your normal lifestyle and activities. Conservative treatments have been shown to be an even more effective treatment than surgery or painkillers (like opioids) for relieving many cases of neck and shoulder pain. Through our program, many patients can avoid surgery and pain medication altogether.

At iAM Physical Therapy, you will work directly with a physical therapist on a personalized treatment program that will speed your recovery time, including exercises that you can do at home. We will work with you to:

  • Reduce pain and other symptoms
  • Avoid surgery and mood-altering medication like opioids
  • Improve posture, mobility, strength and endurance

We also have pre- and post-surgical protocols to assist you with the best outcome possible for your particular diagnosis.

Highly recommend! I went in with 2+ years of neck and shoulder pain and I noticed improvement from the dry needling almost immediately. Great staff and environment.

Cole W.